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It is only logical that the major online dating sites would protest legislation mandating background checks. These sites, after all, are selling its members the grand ideal, the promise of romance and compatibility, all conducted from within a safe harbor. Without the usual risks involved in meeting people, you can seek the meaningful relationship you have been seeking for far too long.

To admit that danger lurks on their online dating sites much as it does in real life scenarios is to acknowledge a grievous contradiction in selling points. It is like saying, "our members are wonderful. They are safe, warm and looking for love, just like you. Except for the few bad apples who may con you out of your money or steal your identity." No, you can't pose your site as warm and fuzzy and then switch gears by warning against the psychos, con artists and sexual predators who might have snuck onto the website.

At Corra we don't believe in legislating mandatory online singles registration background checks. There are already enough laws on the books that prove cumbersome and largely unenforceable. We do believe, it is the member's responsibility of an online dating service to order at least the basic background check on every prospective paramour. Failing to do so could lead to a grave mistake.

That's why we always say--Check Them Out Before You Date Them.

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