(Online Dating Industry Journal) Online Dating Magazine is taking online dating service True to task for its exploitation of women in a recent ad campaign aimed at getting more members to join True. The April editorial begins:
"Online Dating Service True, which professes to be safer because it conducts background checks on members, is resorting to sleazy advertising campaigns that exploit women in order to try and gain more members. These ads are a sharp contrast to the dating service's home page, which shows loving couples and no cleavage. It seems to be part of True's deceptive nature...
If True is trying to build itself as a sleazy erotic dating service, it is doing a good job. The message True is sending through its ads is that True women are big-breasted models who are 'easy'. The ads, because of the pictures, give the impression that True is a site for 'hooking up' versus finding true love.
From viewing these ads men may sign up for True expecting to find 'easy' women. After all, the images seem to portray True more as an escort service than as a legitimate relationship service.
And what woman will want to sign up for an online dating service that portrays them only as sex objects?..."
To read the full editorial, including a look at the controversial ads, click here.