(Online Dating Industry Journal) Online Dating Magazine has just released a new industry history report for the popular online dating service eHarmony. The history report reveals information on eHarmony's original start and member growth since its official launch in August 2000. According to the history report.
"In February 23, 2003, eHarmony claimed to have 3 million members. That number grew to 4 million registered members by May 11, 2004. Now the eHarmony registered member count is over 5 million. eHarmony also claims more marriages per match than any other online dating service. By December 2003 eHarmony announced an estimated 2,000 marriages to its credit since 2001 and that number grew to more than 2,500 known marriages to its credit by February 2004. Currently, eHarmony claims more than 6,000 marriages to its credit since 2001."
To read the full detailed history report on eHarmony, visit Online Dating Magazine.