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Why doesn't anyone complain or talk about how True.com BLOCKS people they are unable to screen? I am NOT sure why I am being blocked but they refuse to answer my e-mails as to WHY. I have NO CRIMINAL RECORD but I receive a message stating the following when I click on ANY USER:
"Thank you for your interest in True.com. Because our top priority is the safety of our members, we require criminal background checks. Unforunately, we do not have the access to perform a criminal background screening on you. We are unable to allow you full access to our site at this time."

They seem to apply their CRIMINAL BACKGROUD CHECK indiscriminately because I can only assume...
1) My name is a COMMON NAME and I am being flagged as having a Criminal Record because they never take our Social Security Number...
2) There have been cases where people "accuse" you of having a criminal record but you DO NOT and they CENSURE you based on HEARSAY...
I am NOT really sure what happened so I am just conjecturing but either way, I will obviously NOT be using the service. They DO NOT allow you to DELETE YOUR PROFILE which is IRONIC and they REFUSE TO ANSWER MY EMAILS... Meanwhile they put PROVOCATIVE ADS asking men to join but I have ALSO found 3 FAKE profiles... They e-mail me asking me to join but I CANNOT use the service so when will people start COMPLAINING?

Very well said. There are a lot of flaws to True's background check system and you just brought another one to light.

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