(Online Dating Industry Journal) LawyersinLove.com, an online matchmaking site catering expressly to the interests and schedules of lawyers, law students, and legal professionals, will celebrate its first anniversary on Valentine's Day, February 14, 2006. LawyersinLove.com, a division of Match Pursuits LLC, claims that members can find potential partners on their website dating service who understand the extreme work schedules and combative atmosphere of the legal profession, and the competitive classroom environment and heavy study schedules of the average law student. LawyersinLove.com allows members to search by practice area, as well as by specific outside interests such as golfing, travel, or theatre.
"I created LawyersinLove.com after using a general online dating site and noticing that, although I really enjoyed meeting people of all professions and backgrounds, I actually had more in common with and fell into more easy conversations with other legal professionals in a variety of practice areas," stated Elena Albamonte, LawyersinLove.com founder and a practicing federal government attorney…Lawyers working 70-hour weeks don't have time for happy hours or any type of significant social life. This can result in a high level of personal dissatisfaction."
Albamonte says that LawyersinLove.com is also a great place for law students to meet each other. "Law students have their own highly competitive, demanding, time consuming lifestyles. The desire for romance may be inhibited by the fear of unsuccessfully dating someone within your own law school, who you would then have to see on a daily basis for the next several years." LawyersinLove.com allows law students to meet their peers at other schools and in different geographic areas, possibly providing law students with a way to break out of law school cliques and meet prospective partners with whom they have something in common.
LawyersinLove.com is celebrating its anniversary with contests and special giveaways. New members who post a free profile are automatically entered into a drawing for one of several prizes that include movie tickets, gift certificates, and LawyersinLove.com tee shirts.
LawyersinLove.com, which has been a free site for the past year, also will become a pay site on February 14, 2006. Monthly charges will begin at $19.95 per month. New and current members who upgrade to a paying membership before midnight on February 14, 2006, can be entered to possibly receive a 30 GB iPod, plus a free three-month LawyersinLove.com membership, valued at $49.95.