(Online Dating Industry Journal) Online Dating Magazine has just published an in-depth article called "The Truth About Compatibility Testing" by Dr. James Houran, PhD, an expert on the psychology of compatibility and online testing. In the article, Dr. Houran provides some history on the background of compatibility testing and its popularity in the modern Internet-driven world. He also provides questions online dating members can ask themselves to determine whether or not they should rely on compatibility testing during the matchmaking process, and, if so, how to tell if a compatibility test is legitimate.
From the article:
"The public has a right to be skeptical about online personality and compatibility testing. Public exposure to professional testing has been quite limited. The public is more familiar with fun little quizzes in magazines and entertainment websites – like the “What Kind of Dog are You?” quiz or tests that assess the strength of your "morals and ethics" by having you select your likely behavior in a given scenario. These tests are fun diversions, but they’re usually not the real thing. Unfortunately, evidence for many advertised compatibility tests is either blatantly missing or lacking in scientific standards."
Dr. Houran suggests you look to who created the test, the theory and evidence behind the test, and the evaluation of that evidence when deciding on the accuracy of any compatibility test. Read the full feature in Online Dating Magazine.
Kim's Comments:
Dr. Houran makes an important point in his article when he says, "A compatibility test can be an effective tool for helping you learn more about yourself and cull romantic prospects… as long as it’s a legitimate, science-based product. However, compatibility tests should never be used in isolation from your common sense and intuition as you interact with prospects. Remember that compatibility tests are not the “be all, end all” – they’re not substitutes for meeting and getting to know others. They merely help that process along."
Compatibility testing done correctly can be a useful tool in helping filter out the millions of singles online, but gut instinct and in-person connections are ultimately the deciding factors when selecting which of those singles you choose to start a relationship with (or even go on a second date with).
Stay tuned tomorrow for a special announcement about Dr. James Houran and Online Dating Magazine.