(Online Dating Industry Journal) An independent poll of eHarmony members concluded that over 33,000 eHarmony members were married in a in a twelve month period. On average, this works out to 90 eHarmony members marrying every day as a result of being matched on the online dating site. The poll was conducted by Harris Interactive for a twelve month period ending August 31, 2005.
Dr. Neil Clark Warren, chairman and co-founder of eHarmony equates the success rate to the effectiveness of eHarmony’s Compatibility Matching System. Dr. Warren also sees these success results as “further proof of what I have learned over 35 years of working with married couples and that is broad based compatibility is the key to finding the love of your life."
Dr. Warren also claims that "soon-to- be-released research has found that eHarmony married couples are significantly happier than married couples who met by any other means.” This is an interesting claim because, if this research is solid, this will attest to not only the quantity of marriages but also the quality of those marriages. The online dating industry will undoubtedly examine the results of this qualitative research extensively.
Harris conducted a nationwide poll of people who married between September 1, 2004 and August 31, 2005 and this research found that 16,630 marriages resulted from eHarmony matches during this period. The study was conducted by telephone using a representative sample of married Americans. Married respondents were about equally divided between men (47%) and women (53%). The overall margin of error for the current study is +/- 1.4%.