(Online Dating Industry Journal) An article today in the New York Times discusses the pros and cons of date-checker sites including DontDateHimGirl.com, ManHaters.com, and TrueDater.com. The article notes:
"While many women find the Web sites amusing and sometimes helpful, they have enraged men, guilty or not, some of whom send e-mail messages or call the posted phone numbers to have their names and photographs taken down. They argue that the Web sites are biased and damaging, particularly if the story being told is false. And while the women remain anonymous, the men are offered up in full detail."
TrueDater is the only of these sites that currently allows for both men and women to post whether their online match was a liar or truth-teller. The other two are designed for women to be able to expose men who have lied and cheated in hopes of preventing other women from falling for their lies, but, some feel this is also an unfortunate opportunity for women who have been hurt or dumped by a boyfriend to seek revenge by defaming his name publicly.
Kim's Comments:
The fundamental problem with a site like DontDateHimGirl.com is that the women are allowed to post anonymously. Being able to give details of these men like full name, age, and location, along with a photo, while still being able to remain completely anonymous opens up a world of deception and lying in and of itself. Unfortunately those lies can continue to spread as long as the man doesn't know his picture and information are posted on a site. While I am a firm believer that cheating is wrong, I just don't think this is the best way to expose cheaters. There are too many opportunities for dishonesty.