(Online Dating Industry Journal) Dr. James Houran has written a February editorial for Online Dating Magazine in which he clarifies the term "online dating".
In the editorial, titled Yes Virginia... There Really is Online "Dating," Dr. James Houran provides well-researched documentation identifying the true structure and meaning of online dating.
From the article:
"...Research has only recently begun to address the subject of online relationship development. It should also be noted that the nature of online relationships clearly varies. However, it’s also clear that flirting and dating and other forms of social networking constitute an important aspect of the Internet phenomenon. To my way of thinking, the "tools" of online dating such as detailed personal profiles, personality and compatibility testing, digital photographs, webcams, real-time chat capabilities and email and Instant Messaging help overcome the so-called restricted cues in online impression formation. What this does is reduce many of the limitations of hyperpersonal communication. In fact, the tools of online dating and social networking nicely promote – and may even prolong – authentic communication among individuals. To me, this is the crux of the definition of dating and is the necessary first step to a long-term relationship..."
Read the full editorial here.