(Online Dating Industry Journal) The number of seniors diving into online dating still manages to make a big impact on the press and public. The Grand Rapids Press took a recent look at senior Internet dating.
The article noted recent statistics by Nielsen/Netratings that seniors are the "fastest growing group of online users" and that "users 55 and older account for 16.7 percent of all traffic to online personal sites -- the equivalent of 4.2 million unique visitors. At Yahoo Personals, those older than 50 account for 21 percent of visitors." The article also noted research by associate professor of sociology at Rutgers University, Deborah Carr, in the Journal of Marriage and Family that showed that "romantic relationships among the elderly are on the rise simply because the Internet has made it easier for older singles to meet."
Kim's Comments:
As the senior generations get increasingly Internet savvy, this demographic will continue to increase in size. The fact is, online dating often makes meeting people a lot easier, particularly for those not interested in the bar and club scene. As this group grows you can expect senior niche sites like Seniors Circle, and larger sites that have niche categories like Senior Friend Finder and Silver Singles to get an industry boost.