(Online Dating Industry Journal) New social networking and dating site Mooble claims that what will add to its popularity over competitors like MySpace is its use of flash.
Mooble claims that flash interactive display is the latest strategy to make sites like Mooble competitively engaging.
Kim's Comments:
Mooble is definitely stylish and nice looking. One comment I have heard over and over about MySpace is that it lacks a bit in design and functionality, something that Mooble definitely makes up for. But, with a flash design, Mooble does not currently allow members to individualize their profile pages. This is one thing that I think adds to the popularity of MySpace. If Mooble combines their creative flash with the possibility of member customization, they may have the best of both worlds and gain many more members.
You've hit the nail on the head! We are working on customization. The challenge is making it not one big mess of html like some other sites.
Thanks for your comments. We're always open to suggestions!
If you'd like to speak on this further, just let me know. My inbox is always open ;)
Posted by: Robyn Tippins | March 16, 2006 at 02:12 PM
Oh, and duh.. meant to tell you in the last comment, our url is typo'd in your link.
I do it ALL the time :)
Posted by: Robyn Tippins | March 16, 2006 at 02:13 PM
Thank you for the link info, I made the change. Also, good to hear you are working on customized user pages while trying to avoid the mess and clutter that too much customization can bring. I'll keep checking back as you continue to grow.
Posted by: Kim | March 16, 2006 at 08:00 PM
You may be interested in seeing our vidcast. It's not the greatest in the world (it's my first) but it was fun to make, so I hope it's fun to watch :)
Posted by: Robyn Tippins | March 26, 2006 at 08:38 PM
Is Mooble dead? Are there any plans to market/develop it further?
Posted by: Jimmy | April 27, 2007 at 03:04 AM