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You've hit the nail on the head! We are working on customization. The challenge is making it not one big mess of html like some other sites.

Thanks for your comments. We're always open to suggestions!

If you'd like to speak on this further, just let me know. My inbox is always open ;)

Oh, and duh.. meant to tell you in the last comment, our url is typo'd in your link.

I do it ALL the time :)

Thank you for the link info, I made the change. Also, good to hear you are working on customized user pages while trying to avoid the mess and clutter that too much customization can bring. I'll keep checking back as you continue to grow.

You may be interested in seeing our vidcast. It's not the greatest in the world (it's my first) but it was fun to make, so I hope it's fun to watch :)


Is Mooble dead? Are there any plans to market/develop it further?

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