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I really like your blog...I'm bookmarking it...Keep BLOGGING!

HI Kim,

This is albert from bepenfriends. Thanks for writing a small peice about my website.

WEll let me clarify some points here.

I accept that the website has lot of spelling and grammatical mistakes. It is because the creator is not a avid writer. I tried to minimize the mistakes as much as possible.

we wrote those press materials with very limited resources. Not like plentyoffish who makes more dollars and also has volunteer to help the owner. We will try to remove those mistakes from the content.

Regarding Logo, It was our idea to reduce that 'e' in the name. When we spell bepenfriends, we spell as Bpenfriends, yes it has some impact on branding but what we thought is it is the way people are pronouncing.

We are rennovating the site to accomudate some more features. Thanks Kim

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