(Online Dating Industry Journal) The San Bernardino County Sun has listed a few tips for online daters from Judith Silverman, the author of ‘‘Online Dating for Dummies." While tips are pretty general, I did notice something in the tone of the tips that those in the industry might find interesting. The tips seemed to be targeted toward singles visiting niche dating sites rather than the top tier general dating services. Statements like "Use a site that matches your goals and priorities" and "Determine deal breakers" really seem to promote the use more topic-specific services.
Kim's Comments:
Once a single person has identified a deal breaker or high interest in their life, they may find a lot of success by going directly to a niche dating site that automatically eliminates the possibility of matching up with a person who might be part of a deal breaker or increase the likelihood of meeting someone with the same interests. In a way, online dating is streamlining the dating process, allowing singles to narrow down their search through niche dating sites while opening them up to several more people with similar interests due to the vastness of the Internet. It seems to becoming more of a win-win situation every day.