(Online Dating Industry Journal) We're not too big on online dating service True because of its sleazy advertising, misrepresentations, and push to legally force all online dating services to do background checks. However, we also strive for balanced reporting throughout the industry and when True does something good, we definitely want to praise them for it.
True has just introduced a new way to search photos called "Who's Got New Photos?" At the click of a button you can find which profiles have been updated with the newest photos.
This is very smart on the part of True. And it's smart for a couple of reasons:
1) It makes people update their photos more often.
2) It allows you to quickly access profiles that have been updated.
3) It's a move in the right direction to increase interactivity.
Kudos to True for looking at ways to improve its service.
In a related note, True claims to now have six million users.