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Online Dating Magazine notes that some of the video's on Webdate are now "getting up to 100,000 unique downloads an hour."

Right, and i'm getting 100,000 signups an hour.

Ranking.websearch.com and alexa estimate webdates traffic at around 40,000 visitors a day tops.


As a fan of your work I'm sure you know the inner and outer workings of traffic analysis. With that in mind there are a couple of things to keep in mind here:

1) If you've visited the site you'll notice the videos are on a sub-domain, not the main domain, thus it's not going to count as "traffic" to Webdate.com.

2) These are download numbers publicly provided by Webdate, not something pulled out of thin air. I've seen other sites publishing the videos (likely without permission, but I'm sure Webdate doesn't mind the extra promotion) and major blog links to them, thus that number would not surprise me even though it does seem high. Just one Slashdot link or Drudge link can provide that type of "traffic" for a limited time. But, alas, I do defer to these numbers being provided by Webdate.

3) The reliability of Alexa traffic numbers is extremely suspect at times. I've heard of companies that have had all their employees download the Alexa toolbar at work and home and visit the business' sites to inflate their "traffic numbers". It's not a definitive means of identifying true traffic numbers. I know my numbers don't count because I use FireFox and they don't have a toolbar for FireFox yet.

Also, I'm sure you would be getting 100,000 signups an hour if people weren't busy clicking on your Google Adsense links and making you thousands a day! :-) You've done a great job at building an awesome profit model (major ad revenue + huge user base + large traffic numbers). I commend you on this and thank you for the insight you share in your comments on this blog.


Alexa and ranking.websearch.com both aggregate subdomain traffic. As you say traffic rankings aren't that accurate, but its a completely different thing to over state your traffic then it is to under state it.

Webdate has a history of "overstating" things :) To give a comparison, comscore says that match.com only gets 35,000 uniques a hour in the USA.

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