(Online Dating Industry Journal) Niche online dating service DatingforSmokers.com is using proposed smoking legislation in Australia to help promote its service. A new proposed law will create a series of warnings on the dangers of smoking with graphic images of throat cancer and rotting teeth covering 50 to 60 percent of each cigarette pack in Australia. Dating for Smokers has publicly come out against the legislation, calling it "extreme", while promoting its online dating service.
“At Datingforsmokers.com my goal is in not just wanting to help bring singles together who smoke, but also provide a venue for smokers to meet each other who know right from the first ‘hello’ that they won’t be ridiculed or preached to because they choose to smoke.” says Mr. Jablonski in a press release. “I believe that people have choices, and if they choose to take up a habit such a smoking, then it is their right and shouldn’t be outcast because of it.”
Dating for Smokers says that "there should be other ways of getting the message across than resorting to shock tactics." They claim, "If they are going to go this far, then it is only fair to do the same for alcohol, and all other things that are ‘deemed’ bad for us."
Joe's Comments:
This is a good example of piggy-back marketing. Find a hot new issue and find a way to tie your service into it via a press release. If they played their cards right, they could arrange to be interviewed on news programs covering this issue, thus creating a greater exposure for their Web service.