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I was having a chat the other day with a gentleman in the industry and I asked if he and his company goes to the iDate conferences. He said no. I asked why and he said "because the big one is held in Miami every year. If they want everyone to participate, they should rotate locations like other industry shows do."

We chatted a bit more about it and concluded that iDate should alternate between Miami and California (or Vegas) every year in order to reach more people. We're talking about the big annual expo, not their smaller focused shows (i.e. the upcoming Background Checks event in San Francisco). For people in the dating industry in California (of which there are a lot), travelling all the way to Miami every year gets tiredsome. I know some West coast dating industry people who have stopped going because it's not closer.

9 hour+ flight to maimi because of all the stop overs.

I can fly to europe easier.

If they want everyone to participate, they should rotate locations like other industry shows do."

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