(Online Dating Industry Journal) About once a quarter Online Dating Magazine offers an advertising special at a heavily reduced rate. For this quarter, Online Dating Magazine is offering a special that is good for only February 7, 8, and 9.
"Get an entire year of advertising with a 120X240 ad in a prime position for only $1,400 (that's $1,600 off the normal annual price). Your ad appears on the right hand side where the Matchmaker / Date.com ad currently appears. This offer is good for three days only (February 7, 8, and 9) and only to the first qualifying advertiser that responds. Email [email protected] with the URL of your Website. The campaign begins February 10 and will run until February 28, 2008 (you get the rest of this month as an additional bonus). In addition, you'll be given a year's featured listing in our Online Dating Directory and on DateLists.com! You will also be featured in the number 2 position of our Sponsors page."
You can visit the Online Dating Magazine advertiser page by clicking here.