(Online Dating Industry Journal) The newest Inside the Industry column at Online Dating Magazine takes a closer look at the True.com lawsuit, including quotes directly from the lawsuit. In addition to discussing the lawsuit, the column provides a few pointers to people who run online dating services and praises the cancellation policy of new online dating service Let's Grab a Drink, which provides refunds for remaining time on a person's account when they cancel.
One of the points of the lawsuit is how True.com signs up people online, but doesn't let them cancel online. From the lawsuit:
"Upon information and belief, most organizations that make a majority of their sales via online subscriptions and/or memberships maintain an online system for written cancellation of subscriptions and/or memberships. Given that, upon information and belief, a majority of the Company's subscriptions are purchased online via True.com, it is unreasonable for the Company not to also maintain an online cancellation system and written record of subscription cancellations."
The column's Cheers and Jeers section takes a look at the new TV series, "Confessions of a Matchmaker". Click here to read the column.