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Just one more reason to doubt the veracity of all numbers on Match.com, unfortunately. They are, after all, the mainstream behemoth dating site. So, if they're lying to the public, then presumably, so are the other less reputable sites as well.

Please, please, please check out my site. FlirtySomething.com. It's on stall, waiting for traffic, investors, an act of God...

But, we tell the truth and nothing but. We're free until we have critical mass on site. We have only about 1000 charter members . But we think we have something new and true to offer.

Hello from across the pond!

Charla, love the site, The Times made me laugh, great fun!

I totally agree, it's so difficult to know what's true. I live in hope :-)

I too decided there was a different way, and started www.thedateoutdoors.com. We're UK based, totally genuine and are providing a more relaxed approach! Check it out.....all feedback welcome.

Wishing you all lots of luck


Still many people cannot meet an ideal partner on many large dating site, such as match. So some niche dating sites are popular, like tallhub.com, tall people may like it because they can meet someone in the same style.

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