(Online Dating Industry Journal) Matchmaking service It's Just Lunch has added its second Asian location, now bringing its total matchmaking locations to more than 100 worldwide. The newest branch is located in Bangkok, Thailand.
"We are very excited about this latest development and we are looking forward to get singles in Bangkok hooked up," says the managing director of the Singapore franchisee, Anisa Hassan, who also owns and operates the new branch in Thailand. "We are very surprised that even before we are officially opened, we have so many professional singles expressing interests in our service. Indeed, our global brand recognition has preceded us.”
While It's Just Lunch uses the Internet to publicize its service and get people to sign up, potential members must go to an actual It's Just Lunch office in order to be matched. It's Just Lunch is responsible for hundreds of in-person first dates every week.
Joe's Comments
Matchmaking is still thriving online and offline... and when one person doesn't have success with one, it's not unheard of to see them try the other. TV shows like Confessions of a Matchmaker and Millionaire Matchmaker also help keep the offline matchmaking industry strong.