(Online Dating Industry Journal) Men who are courting overseas women for potential marriage could end up breaking laws set in the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act (IMBRA) that became law in 2006. The law, which seeks to protect information on overseas women from men until certain conditions are met, is meant to stop abusive men from marrying women overseas then bringing them to the United States.
The Red Herring has posted a blog article titled "Men Dating Online Could Break Law," which discusses IMBRA. From the article:
"...A federal law, the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act, makes it a felony for a man in the United States to communicate with a foreign woman via a fee-based dating web site, without the man first submitting unilaterally to criminal background and sex-offender checks and certifying all previous convictions or arrests, marriages, or divorces, children, and states of residence since the age of 18. The foreign woman, in this scenario, is not held to the same investigation..."
Click here to read the full article.
IMBRA became law in March 2006. Online Dating Magazine's Inside the Industry column tackled the issue on March 3, 2006. Click here to read the column.
Related Links
A Look at the International Marriage Broker Regulation Act