(Online Dating Industry Journal) The Wall Street Journal has published an article (Covering Your Tracks in an Online World) about people wanting to change their online persona, whether it be for jobs or dating. About halfway through the article, it talks about a woman who had lost weight and was now dating online. She wanted older pictures of herself removed from other sites that showed her fat. From the article:
"Susan Amirian, a 54-year-old media professor in East Stroudsburg, Pa., has lost more than 100 pounds in two years and is trying to start dating online. But she had a lot of trouble getting a batch of pictures from her heavier days out of Google Inc.'s image archive. She emailed former employers and academic publications that had posted the old photos on Web pages and all agreed to take down the photos. Yet Google's image-search tool still turned them up for months, despite Ms. Amirian's emails to Google's help desk asking that they be removed..."
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