(Online Dating Industry Journal) Online dating scams have been in the news a lot, lately, and as a result we're learning more about the consequences to victims... even ones that never fell for a scam.
The Dayton Daily News is reporting on a man who had his online dating "identity" stolen then used to scam other people. Scammers took his pictures and opened up dozens of online dating accounts on different services in order to scam other people. And now victims are calling the man in the picture wanting justice!
From the article:
"Frost had his photos heisted from the Internet by romance scammers who have used his image to lure women on matchmaking Web sites. Under false identities, scammers woo their victims for weeks, even months by e-mail, then ask for money. Each day, about 23,000 Americans have their identities stolen on the Internet in some way..."
Click here to read the entire article
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