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Lol, this is the best April fool hoax that I've heard today!
Otherwise he surely is a moron sending money for the hospital expenses of Olgas mum. I bet he'll never meet her in person.

Cheers, Meikel

I hate to be a wet blanket about this, but it sounds like not only is Dr. Warren creating (yet another) PR nightmare for eHarmony. But it also sounds as if he has fallen for a classic scammer scenario. I would be flabbergasted if there actually WAS an Olga - and if she showed up on the plane...

Absolutely agreed with Joe's comment, but feel glad and best wishes for the founder too.

Unbelievable!!! I have been looking for an update on this story and can't find any - surely he can't be that daft?!!!

i really like your site... thanks!

April Fool's! Haha.

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