(Online Dating Industry Journal) Miller-McCune has written an excellent article about the growth of HIV among seniors and how the Internet is playing a role in the rise.
From the article:
"For years, single seniors would find the idea of meeting new people following a divorce, or loss of a partner, daunting at best. But with today's online dating services, success in finding the perfect partner is ostensibly only a click away — all you need is a computer and a little courage.
But Jane Fowler, retired journalist and now HIV/AIDS prevention educator, waves a red flag of caution for older singles. As founder and director of the national HIV Wisdom for Older Women, Fowler says that older single people — "the fastest-growing segment of the dating services" — may put themselves at risk by engaging in new relationships..."
Click here to read the entire article.
Joe's CommentsI greatly applaud Miller-McCune on doing this story. There has been a sharp rise in STDs (sexually transmitted diseases) since the Internet revolution. Most online dating services do nothing to educate or warn online daters about STD risks. At Online Dating Magazine, we have an entire section dedicated to STDs. Only by being educated will people take proper precautions against catching or spreading STDs. No one is immune. We want to start highlighting online dating services that don't run away from this subject and, instead, educate their users. So if you know of any, please email me - [email protected].