(Online Dating Industry Journal) A sophomore at the University of Southern California has written an article for the Daily Trojan about how online dating scams are repeating historic trends of scamming. But in the article, Laura Reeve goes as far as to call online dating itself as "a kind of scam".
From the article:
"...Online dating is already a kind of scam, of course. Companies such as match.com and eHarmony.com have convinced lonely people that they will find true love if they pay a small monthly fee to look at the mostly fabricated profiles of other lonely people, filled with photoshopped photos and reading lists too esoteric to be true.
It's not surprising that scammers realized that match-making sites were like barrels full of gullible fish waiting to be shot, or in this case, extorted for money..."
Click here to read the entire article.
Joe's Comments
Laura Reeve, like several others who don't fully understand the world of online dating, is contributing to the stigma that still exists today. In this case she says that online dating services "convince lonely people". Reeve hasn't yet learned that people who are not lonely and are not desperate are using online dating services too! I'm sure that when Reeve goes to a college singles or social event, she doesn't go because she is "lonely".
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Online Dating Stigma is NOT Gone