(Online Dating Industry Journal) You've just signed up for an online dating service and one of the first questions you're asked is "what would you like your screen name to be?" Some people labor over this question and others don't give it a second thought. Still others use their current feelings (i.e. lonelyheart).
Does your screen name really matter? According to new research by Dr Monica Whitty (author of two online dating books and many dating studies) it does matter.
The UK Times has published an article titled "Revealed: Secrets of Choosing an Online Dating Name" in which her research shows the importance of having a fun and flirty name.
From the article:
"...New research has found those looking for love online should take care what screen name they use to maximise their digital appeal.
Playful and flirtatious names such as “fun2bwith” or “i’msweet” were ranked top by both men and women daters as those they would most like to contact.
Physical descriptors such as “cutie” or “blueeyes” were close behind..."
Click here to read the entire article.