April 14 Note: The below Online Dating Domain Name Sale (only one of 2010) has now concluded. Congratulations to those that took advantage of the 25% off.
Online Dating Magazine is knocking 25% off the online dating domain names it is selling for the next five days. The sale is good from Friday, April 9 through Tuesday, April 13. If you order one of the domain names during that time, 25% will be knocked off the final price. This is the first time a sale has been offered in conjunction with the online dating domain names for sale.
Viral marketing is vital in order for online dating services to compete with the big guys and the domain names offered by Online Dating Magazine allow for excellent viral marketing and search engine optimization. Domain names include ones like:
There are dozens more. You can see the full list here. You can inquire about a domain name by emailing [email protected]. This is the only time this year that the domain names will be offered at a discount.