(Online Dating Industry Journal) Is love really blind? Are men really afraid to commit? These are just two of the many questions that Jim Houran, Ph.D. answers in his new Online Dating Magazine column, “Office Hours with Dr. Jim”. In addition to his new weekly column, appearing every Monday at http://www.onlinedatingmagazine.com, Dr. Jim will be contributing insightful articles for both online daters and industry executives. You can read his first feature, “The Truth About Compatibility Testing,” in the Features section of Online Dating Magazine.
“Dr. Jim’s innovative and direct thinking, when it comes to online dating and relationships, is a huge bonus for our readers,” said Joe Tracy, publisher of Online Dating Magazine. “Readers can rely on Dr. Jim to provide informative answers to burning questions. His history in psychological research, along with his published works and TV appearances, make Dr. Jim a true authority for our readers.”
Dr. Jim is an author, public speaker, and a 15-year veteran in the field of research and clinical psychology. A recognized expert on the psychology of compatibility and online testing, Dr. Jim also has a deep history in general psychological research and is an accomplished author, with work published in some of the most respected psychology and psychiatry journals. Previously, Dr. Jim served as the Chief Psychology Officer for True.com, an online relationship service, where he developed several proprietary online instruments to assess couple compatibility.
“I am thrilled to serve consumers by joining the team at Online Dating Magazine. This opportunity gives me an excellent forum to candidly and honestly address the major issues facing online daters and the industry in general,” Dr. Houran said. “I hope that my experience as an industry insider plus my academic expertise in testing and relationship science will give readers a perspective found nowhere else.”
Kim Lance, associate publisher of Online Dating Magazine, says that having a relationship expert like Dr. Jim available to readers is an important step towards the magazine’s mission of providing authoritative insight into online dating and relationships.
“Everything we do at Online Dating Magazine is about improving relationships and experiences through valuable insight,” said Lance. “Contributions from experts like Dr. Jim help make that happen every day.”
Kim's Comments:
It's great to have Dr. James Houran as a new regular columnist and contributor to Online Dating Magazine. His experience in the online dating industry and his background in research and clinical psychology are the perfect combination needed to give insightful, intelligent, and interesting feedback to our readers. Welcome aboard Dr. Jim!