(Online Dating Industry Journal) Online Dating Magazine announced today that it is sponsoring a major new study, called The Modern Love Study, that analyzes offline relationships versus online relationships and the factors that make them successful. The study is being carried out by is being conducted by renowned compatibility and testing experts Dr. James Houran and Dr. Rense Lange.
Because of the stigma attached to online dating, one of the many areas of the study will examine crucial differences between relationships that start
online versus offline. It will also look at the variables that define stable relationships of a romantic and committed nature, taking into account the overt and subtle
influences of key demographic factors like age, country, sexual orientation and
how the couple met.
The link below will take you directly to the study questionnaire and it is a link you may share with your readers:
http://lovestudy.yolasite.com/You can also read (or republish) the official press release on the study here.